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Security Best Practices
Mary Poppins may be 'practically perfect in every way', however, your security and working practices...
Security Best Practices - Part 1: Passwords
1. Passwords TL/DR: Use a reputable password manager with 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) and at ...
Security Best Practices - Part 1a: Two-Factor Authentication
1a. Two-Factor Authentication In addition to having a password with high password entropy (pas...
Security Best Practices - Part 2: Browsers
Part 2: Browsers TL/DR: Use an open-source browser with extensions such as HTTPS Everywhere, Dis...
Security Best Practices- Part 2b: Browser Extensions
Part 2B: Browser Extension As we stated in Part Two: Browsers, we have opted to discuss the big fou...
Security Best Practices - Part 2c: Encryption
Part 2C: Encryption TL/DR: Always use encryption where available, the stronger the better, ho...
Security Best Practices - Part 2d: Fingerprints & Mobile Devices
Part 2D: Fingerprints & Mobile Devices TL/DR: Don't use your fingerprints as passwords. Finger...
Security Best Practices - Part 3: Deleting Files
Part 3: Deleting Files TL/DR: Use a secure deletion program that overwrites the data which was de...
Security Best Practices - Part 4: Operating Systems
Part 4: Operating Systems TL/DR: Use a live system that specializes in security and privacy witho...
Security Best Practices - Part 5: Testing Your Security
Part 5: Testing Your Security TL/DR: Use the following tests to ensure your privacy and security ...