Below are the steps to find your payment processor specific ID for each different payment method:
Amazon Transaction ID
Log into your Amazon account at
Go to your payment history, and locate the payment to our company; it will be listed as "Private Internet Access, Inc."
Click the "Details link"
Note the Transaction ID listed on this page. It should start with "P01-...."
Bitpay Invoice URL
This is the page you would have been directed to after entering your email address. It will look similar to this:
This can be found either in your browser history or in the confirmation email after the purchase was made.
Note: if no longer have this URL in your browser history, or didn't receive this after purchase, please contact [email protected] directly and they'll be able to provide this information to you.
Gift Card
For a Private Internet Access Gift card account purchase, please provide the 16 digit License ID. It would look similar to "1234-5678-9012-3456"
For a Paygarden Gift card (these gift cards would be any Macy's, Walmart, etc.) account purchase, please provide the Confirmation Code for the payment. It should contain 9 letters/numbers and look similar to "ABC-1DE-F2G"
Google Order Number
Log into your Google Payments account at
Go to your payment history, and locate the payment to our company; it will be listed as "Private Internet Access, Inc."
Go into the details of the payment
Note the Google Order Number listed on this page. It will be in a similar format to one of these:[Text Wrapping Break]12999763169054705758.################ GPA.####-####-####-#####
PayPal Transaction ID
Log into your PayPal account
Select the Activity
Search for Private Internet Access, Inc or Private Internet Access
Click on the payment and the Transaction ID will be located to the right side of the page
Alternatively, you should have also received a receipt that contains the Transaction ID from PayPal via the email address on your PayPal account