If you paid for your account with a credit card, or if your payment is showing as having cleared, then your account information has been sent to you via email. If you do not see it, please make sure to check your SPAM or Junk Mail folders.
PayPal, Amazon, and Google sign-ups are often sent to the primary email address on those accounts, so please make sure that you verify all email addresses attached to those accounts to make sure that they didn't get routed to an unexpected email.
For iTunes In-App purchases, accounts would be created under the email address entered in the required box during purchase.
If you still are unable to locate your "p"-username and password please review the following possible causes:
New Account Purchases
Ensure you are checking the correct email account: When a subscription account is generated, you will be sent an account package under the email address associated with the payment method (e.g. accounts bought using PayPal will issue account details to your PayPal email address).
Payment has failed or was delayed: Please check your bank/payment statement to ensure the payment completed successfully. If there is a message in the payment details that says "Pending", "Open", or any other message that might suggest the payment has not been fully processed, it likely means the payment is being processed by your bank before being forwarded to us. Once this happens (which can take several days), the payment will be sent along to us and an account will be created.
Typo was made when entering your email address during purchase.
If you have an existing account and you have requested a password reset either by going through our Password Reset form within our Account page or by requesting our support team to reset your password please review the following possible causes:
Existing/Confirmed Accounts
Our emails are being filtered to your Spam folder: It's possible that the emails coming from our account system may be accidentally being misinterpreted as spam mail, and are being filtered to your Spam folder in your email client.
Your email address has been unsubscribed from our mail server: In each email originating from our company, there is an "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom. This link, if clicked, will add an exception to our account system's email server, preventing that mail server from sending you account/billing messages to the unsubscribed email address. If you believe this may have occurred with your email address, you can submit a support ticket here and we'll be able to re-subscribe your email address to resume getting password emails.
Your email host is blocking emails originating from our account system: Some email hosts may misinterpret emails originating from our accounting system and may flag our domain as spam, similar to explained above. However, since this is at a server level, this is not something you would be able to directly configure or change and would require your email host themselves to whitelist our email domain. Commonly, the only recourse would be to change the email address associated with your Private Internet Access account, to one on an entirely different email domain. To make this change, follow the steps in this article.
If you have still not received your login information or you are experiencing any trouble, please contact support here and we will be happy to assist you.