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What/where is the PIA Tray Icon? - Knowledgebase / Technical / Application Settings and Features / Application & Features - PIA Support Portal

What/where is the PIA Tray Icon?

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When using our desktop application, you will see that our app has an easy to access tray icon in your System Tray (if you do not see this, be sure you have downloaded and installed the application properly). For Windows, the system tray will be in the bottom right corner. For Mac, this will be the Taskbar at the top of the desktop home screen.

This icon allows you to access the main application menu, connect/disconnect 'power button', and the app's settings. This tray icon also provides a quick way to see if you are connected to the VPN.

With the overhaul of our application (v1.0 and above), the tray icon has changed from our iconic Green Robot to a Lock icon.

However, within our application settings, we do offer users the option to change the look of the tray icon to any of the following options: Dark, Light, Colored, Classic, and System. System icon appearance will reflect light or dark, depending on what the device is set to. 

Note: Some options may not be available on all OS's.

For all supported OS's the tray icon will appear as a lock or 'robot' (as some have come to call it) depending on the style you have selected when disconnected, connecting, or connected.


Dark Icon Style = Grey Lock with slash

Light Icon Style = Grey Lock with slash

Colored Icon Style = Red Lock with slash

Classic Icon Style = Red Robot with an 'x'


Dark Icon Style = White Lock with arrowed circle

Light Icon Style = White Lock with arrowed circle

Colored Icon Style = Yellow Lock with arrowed circle

Classic Icon Style = Yellow Robot with arrowed circle


Dark Icon Style = Grey Lock with green dot

Light Icon Style = White Lock with green dot

Colored Icon Style = Green Lock with green dot

Classic Icon Style = Green Robot with green check mark

While the tray icon does indicate that you are connected to the VPN, you can confirm that the app is masking your IP by visiting our What's My IP Address? page; a dynamic message will appear to indicate whether you are protected (green) or not (red).