Account Changes
Welcome to the Account Changes which covers lots of different topics like How to Cancel and Resume Automatic Payments and How to Change your Email within the CCP.
View GuideWindows
Welcome to the Windows which covers lots of different topics like Windows - Installing OpenVPN and Reinstall TAP Adapter.
View GuideLinux
Welcome to the Linux which covers lots of different topics like MTR Speed Test and Linux - Uninstalling the PIA App using the In-App Uninstaller.
View GuideMac
Welcome to the Mac which covers lots of different topics like MacOS - OpenVPN Connect and MTR Speed Test.
View GuideAndroid
Welcome to the Android which covers lots of different topics like Purchase subscription through the Android application and Android - OpenVPN Setup.
View GuideiOS
Welcome to the iOS which covers lots of different topics like Purchase subscription through the iOS application and iOS - Installing the PIA App.
View GuideRouters
Welcome to the Routers which covers lots of different topics like FreshTomato (OpenVPN Setup) and DD-WRT (3rd Party Application Setup).
View GuideOther Hardware
Welcome to the Other Hardware which covers lots of different topics like Raspberry Pi and Android TV Box Install, Features, and Settings.
View GuideBrowser Extensions
Welcome to the Browser Extensions which covers lots of different topics like Chrome Extension and Opera Extension.
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